What You Can Do

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Kim McKay, Director and CEO, Australian Museum

1. “Make a commitment to reduce your consumption. How you shop; how you use energy. Can you use public transport? Change your own behavior. It starts with you,” according to Kim.

15 ways to reduce your energy consumption

51 tips from Earth Day Network so you can make a difference every day.

Join the gift economy. Find your local “Buy Nothing” group on Facebook, then post about what household items you want----and what you hope to give away.

2. Lobby your politicians. “Don’t give up. Keep on it. They will only react if they keep hearing from constituents day in and day out on these issues.”

Questions to Ask Politicians About Climate Change

10 Tips for meeting with your congress people

How to write your congress people and what to say

How to call your congress people and what to say

See what your state is doing

Sign up for Climate Advocate Training

3. “We’ve got a lot of power in where we invest our money. My investments are not going into fossil fuels. Consider ethical investment funds.”

“Ethical investment funds” include ESG funds (Environment, Social and Governance) funds, and are sometimes called Sustainable or Green or Responsible Investments. Check out some climate investments.

Some firms have programs that focus only on climate investments.