What You Can Do

Gabriela Rivera and Dominique Browning.jpg

Gabriela Rivera, Regional Field Manager, EcoMadres / Dominique Browning, Co-Founder and Senior Director of Mom’s Clean Air Force

1. “Talk with your kids and grandkids about the climate they’ll live with in the future, and what you can do together to improve it.”

How to talk with children about climate change.

More ideas.

2. “Vote in city, state and national elections for candidates whose commitment to ending global warming is strong.”

Questions to Ask Politicians about Climate Change

3. Speak out. Speak up. Smile. Politicians work for you. Meet with national, state, and local elected officials. “When we engage with mayors,” Gabriela says, “they listen. When Ecomadres walk the halls of Congress (or district office halls), staffers welcome us. ‘The Moms are coming!’”

Here are tips for meeting with your city’s mayor.

4. Demand wind and/or solar from your local power company.

Frequently asked questions about wind energy.

The state of solar power in the United States.

5. Buy a car that gets high gas mileage, is a hybrid, or electric. And drive it prudently. Speeding increases pollution from tailpipes.

This article examines the emissions of electric vs. fossil fuel cars during the manufacture, use, and recycling phases.